If you’re currently spending your days longing for something that feels impossible to obtain, please keep reading.
I want you to picture that thing you want. That promotion, that move, that person, that boat— whatever it is. Picture it in your mind, and then push it so far down that it’s seeped into every blood vessel, organ, bone, and inch of your skin. Let it become a part of you, so that even on your weakest days, your body will naturally do what your mind feels incapable of doing: believing.
That’s what it takes. You have to believe. You have to have this unwavering commitment to what you want, and believe in that so deeply that regardless of what happens and who says you can’t, you know within yourself that you will never lose hope. It takes letting go of how it’s going to happen and staying concentrated on the fact that it IS going to happen. When you get stressed about when, where, and how, you get stuck in a cycle that’s reinforcing your need to control everything.
The hardest thing about believing in what you want is that you have to surrender to how it’s going to come about. Any time you have intrusive thoughts about your life not lining up to how you envision it going or how it’s panning out compared to someone else, you have to let those thoughts pass and follow them up with positive, optimistic ones.
Do not fight the negativity that so effortlessly flows into your mind. What good does it do to fight negative with more negative? Learn to accept that your mind will wander and conjure up false, “worst-case scenario” thoughts all on its own. That does not mean that you have to believe them. That does not mean that you have to give them extra attention. Simply accept that negativity, release your burning desire to have complete control over your mind, and consciously reinforce that you are going to get to where you want to be in due time.
When I was finishing high school, I had to pick my favorite quote to put under my picture in the yearbook. I chose, “I may never get there, but I’ll die trying.”
Is that my favorite quote? No, but it’s one that I 100% stand by.
I don’t know what the rest of my life looks like. I’m not sure when I’ll stumble into a career I love, find the guy of my dreams, travel the world, cultivate relationships that are filled with sustenance, and raise children I am proud to call my own. I have no idea what any of that will look like, but if I want something bad enough, I will spend the rest of my days chasing after it. Even on my deathbed, I will believe.
The journey is far more important than the destination. If you don’t appreciate all the steps along the way that lead you to what you want, you’ll get to the end just to find yourself looking for what’s next. Gratitude is the single most important factor for attracting what you don’t currently have. Be grateful for where you and what your situation looks like now, and watch as your mind shifts from a lack mentality to a fulfilled one. All because you chose to see what you have instead of what you don’t.
If you take away anything from this post let it be to have complete faith in what you want, know you are worthy of your desires, hold onto that central belief, and then live your life as if you’ve already achieved what you wanted to. Life is long. It’s also really short in the grand scheme of time. Know that you’re on this ride for a reason, at this time in history, with these people, and honor your existence. We can forget that simply believing in ourselves can be the differentiating factor between accomplishing our goals and watching them fall to the wayside.
At the end of the day, your happiness is dependent upon you. If you find yourself feeling anxious about succeeding, remind yourself that it’s not your job to have it all figured out. Hand over the keys to the universe, stay relentless in your beliefs, and find joy in all that is. There is so much beauty in where you are. There is so much beauty up ahead, too. Believe that whole heartedly, stay grateful, and let life show you the way.
This reminded me that my yearbook quote was misprinted and I'm mad about it again lol